无人生还/孤岛奇案/十个印第安小孩(英文版) 在线阅读 阿加莎·克里斯蒂 全文TXT下载 said、that、you

时间:2017-09-15 17:06 /衍生同人 / 编辑:吴青
精品小说《无人生还/孤岛奇案/十个印第安小孩(英文版)》由阿加莎·克里斯蒂最新写的一本现代明星、近代现代、推理侦探类型的小说,故事中的主角是that,said,you,书中主要讲述了:"You mean he's homicidal?" Armstrong said doubtfully: "I shouldn'...







"You mean he's homicidal?"

Armstrong said doubtfully:

"I shouldn't have said so. Not for a minute. But of course I'm not a specialist in mental diseases. I haven't really had any conversation with him - I haven't studied him from that point of view."Blore said doubtfully:

"Ga ga, yes! But I wouldn't have said -"Armstrong cut in with a slight effort as of a man who pulls himself together."You're probably right! Damn it all, there must be some one hiding on the island! Ah! here comes Lombard."They fastened the rope carefully.

Lombard said:

"I'll help myself all I can. Keep a lookout for a sudden strain on the rope,"After a minute or two, while they stood together watching Lombard's progress, Blore said:"Climbs like a cat, doesn't he?"There was something odd in his voice.

Dr. Armstrong said:

"I should think he must have done some mountaineering in his time.""Maybe."

There was a silence and the ex-Inspector said:"Funny sort of cove altogether. D'you know what I think?""What?"

"He's a wrong 'un!"

Armstrong said doubtfully:

"In what way?"

Blore grunted. Then he said:

"I don't know - exactly. But I wouldn't trust him a yard."Dr. Armstrong said;

"I suppose he's led an adventurous life."Blore said:

"I bet some of his adventures have had to be kept pretty dark." He paused and then went on: "Did you happen to bring a revolver along with you, doctor?"Armstrong stared.

"Me? Good Lord, no. Why should I?"Blore said:

"Why did Mr. Lombard?"

Armstrong said doubtfully:

"I suppose - habit."

Blore snorted.

A sudden pull came on the rope. For some moments they had their hands full. Presently, when the strain relaxed, Blore said:"There are habits and habits! Mr. Lombard takes a revolver to out-of-the-way places, right enough, and a primus and a sleeping bag and a supply of bug powder, no doubt! But habit wouldn't make him bring the whole outfit down here! It's only in books people carry revolvers around as a matter of course,"Dr. Armstrong shook his head perplexedly.They leaned over and watched Lombard's progress. His search was thorough and they could see at once that it was futile. Presently he came up over the edge of the cliff. He wiped the perspiration from his forehead."Well," he said. "We're up against it. It's the house or nowhere."VI

The house was easily searched. They went through the few outbuildings first and then turned their attention to the building itself. Mrs. Rogers' yard measure discovered in the kitchen dresser assisted them. But there were no hidden spaces left unaccounted for. Everything was plain and straightforward, a modern structure devoid of concealments. They went through the ground floor first. As they mounted to the bedroom floor, they saw through the landing window Rogers carrying out a tray of cocktails to the terrace.Philip Lombard said lightly:

"Wonderful animal, the good servant. Carries on with an impassive countenance."Armstrong said appreciatively:

"Rogers is a first-class butler, I'll say that for him!"Blore said:

"His wife was a pretty good cook, too. That dinner - last night -"They turned in to the first bedroom.

Five minutes later they faced each other on the landing. No one hiding - no possible hiding-place.

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作者:阿加莎·克里斯蒂 类型:衍生同人 完结: 是
