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更新时间:2017-10-04 00:51:14 [共186章]

最新:第 186 节

The demon sat back on the seat it had carved in the stem of the giant mushroom. Sludge slurped and rolled around the rock island, the eternal oozing and shifting that marked this layer of the Abyss.
Errtu drummed its clawed fingers, its horned, apelike head lolling about on its shoulders as it peered into the gloom. "Where are you, Telshazz?" the demon hissed, expecting news of the relic. Crenshinibon, pervaded all of the demon-s thoughts. With the shard in its grasp, Errtu could rise over a
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⑴ 《冰风溪谷三部曲(英文版)》为网站作者R所著虚构作品,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩,作品中的观点和立场与本站的立场无关,本站只为广大书友提供免费电子阅读平台,不涉及任何真实人物、事件。

⑵ 《冰风溪谷三部曲(英文版)》为作者R原创小说作品,由网友上传分享, 如有内容侵犯您的合法权益,请及时与我们联系,我们将第一时间安排删除。

⑶ 《冰风溪谷三部曲(英文版)》是一篇精彩的耽美小说类作品,希望广大书友支持正版,支持作者。

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